Move Toward the Light

I had been out of the office for a few days last week. When I returned, I noticed that our space looked brighter. That’s because the sun had finally returned after a very gray wintery week. As I walked by our conference room, I saw that the plant in the corner looked funny: an entire branch had bent to the right and was pressing up against the window. (See photo above.)

I went over to take a closer look. The branch had gravitated directly toward the sunshine. Tiny new leaves were sprouting along it. All the other branches and leaves remained in their normal place. I turned the pot 180 degrees so it could return to its natural shape.

But it didn’t.

The next day, the same branch moved its way back toward the sunshine. It had stretched to the complete opposite direction of where I had moved it the day before, leaning once again toward the sunny side of the room.

I immediately thought of an old lesson I had learned from my mentor Paul.

Back in 1999, Paul told me, “In life, you’re either green and growing, or ripe and rotting. The choice is yours.” He would explain that when things are green and growing, they are lush and full of vitality. But when things are ripe and rotting, they’re like an old banana: brown, smelly, and not very appealing.

People who are always learning, expanding, and being coachable— they’re green and growing. But those who are stagnant, the complainers, those typically unwilling to take action or to move in a new direction— they’re ripe and rotting.

We may experience both of these feelings at different points in life. One feels good. The other, not so much.

The key is to recognize when you’ve become ripe and rotting, and as quickly as possible take a different path. Change course. Or like my plant, lean toward the light. For some folks, this pivot comes naturally. For others, this can feel hard— sometimes an insurmountable task.

This photo symbolizes two important opportunities for those of us who keep choosing to be green and growing.

Move Toward the Light

  • Step outside into the daylight. Sunshine and natural light play a crucial role in regulating our body’s production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood and well-being. Spending time outdoors exposes us to these beneficial elements, promoting a positive mindset and enhancing our overall happiness. Try this— especially in the winter when we could all use more vitamin D.

  • Spend time with positive people. You know the type: they are kind, filled with good vibes, and always encouraging your growth. They are a source of light. When you are around them, you feel better about yourself and your circumstances. Science explains how important this can be: Interacting with positive people stimulates the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin in our brains, contributing to heightened happiness. These positive people help foster in us a more optimistic mindset, promoting emotional well-being and creating a ripple effect of dopamine.

Be The Light That Others Are Seeking

  • Sometimes it can be hard to know what others are going through. But we can all pay closer attention to the people around us. Ask questions, be more empathetic, and let them know you are someone who cares. If a friend needs to vent, give a listening ear. If a family member needs advice, be someone they lean on for direction and guidance.

  • Look around to see who might be struggling right now. It could be an elderly person who’s feeling isolated during the cold winter months: What if you offered to take them for a drive to get some sunshine and a change of scenery? Maybe it’s a friend dealing with a lousy diagnosis: What could you do to send him or her a little love? Or perhaps it’s a caregiver whose time is spent looking after a loved one, which can be all-consuming and exhausting: Is there something you could do to offer them a little respite? Be mindful of people whose lives are a challenge right now, and be the light.

Sometimes we are the plant, willing to stretch and grow.

Sometimes we are the light— shining our kindness and generosity for others to gravitate towards.

Green and growing? Or ripe and rotting? The choice is always yours.

This Month’s Resources & Cool Ideas

Give & Take

Have you ever gone into a coffee shop and experienced the brilliant idea of “suspended coffees?” This is a concept that is meant to shine light on people who could really use a little boost. A suspended coffee is the advance purchase of a cup of coffee for someone who needs it, no matter why. Want to support a coffee shop who offers suspended coffee? Learn about this old Italian tradition, and how it’s showing up in cafes all over the US by clicking the link above.

Send a Friend

Need to brighten someone’s day, lift up someone who’s not feeling well, or simply send love? Send a Friend offers stuffed animal care packages that are fun for all ages. Not only does the company donate 10% of net profits, but in November 2020, they created their GiveAFriend program that has brought over 25,000 care packages to children’s hospitals, schools, foster homes, and non-profits coast to coast. Their quality and packaging is top-notch.

Pack & Go Efficiently

How many times have you carried a dozen grocery bags into your house and hoped that they wouldn’t split open, or that your arms could manage all that weight? Maybe you need the Hulken Bag: schlepping made easy! Offered in all different sizes, it’s a tote that packs everything you need to bring to your destination— and it’s on wheels!

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