What’s Love Got to Do With It?

On Saturday I’ll be spending the morning with my niece BB to make homemade Valentine’s Day cards. We’ve been doing this for the past five years and we equally love this crafty project.

At age 10, BB is technically “too old” to be required to provide Valentines for all her classmates, but we are meeting anyway to make cards for a few special people: Nana, her mom, her dad, and some of her besties. I will make cards for my own list.

To me, there is something very special about Valentine’s Day.

Some of you may disagree.

Naysayers will tell you it’s the worst day of the year to buy roses because they are so overpriced. True. Or that no one makes chocolates in big fancy heart boxes like they used to. And we know that Valentine’s Day has some controversial history— the day was never about cupids and romance until much later.

Despite all this, I look forward to February 14th every year, as well as all the hearts, decorations and pink and red cards leading up to it.


Because Valentine’s Day is about love.

You might be looking forward to spending the day with your sweetheart, or even going out for a romantic dinner together. (Reminder: make your reservations now while you still have time!) You may use the day as an opportunity to express your love and gratitude for one another. If this is something you do, keep this tradition going.

Maybe you and your spouse or partner don’t do this. If not, I encourage you to try a new tradition of expressing your love and appreciation for one another. Take Valentine’s Day to celebrate one another. Acknowledge that not everyone has the kind of relationship you have.

If you don’t have a significant other, or you’re thinking Valentine’s Day doesn’t apply to you, consider transforming your traditional definition of what this day can be about. Think of your children, your parents— even your grandparents if you’re still fortunate to have them. Think also about your favorite friends and colleagues.

My love for Valentine’s Day started with my Dad.

Every year, in addition to buying flowers and a card for my mom, my father also bought a gift and a special card for me and my sister— as well as for his own mom. In those cards, my Dad got sappy. He wrote a little love note to each of us, and shared how happy he was to have us in his life. He would sign my card “Love, Dad” in a fancy script. I can still picture his handwriting. I looked forward to those little notes every year.

Admit it or not, we all want to be reminded once in a while that we are loved.

I still have Dad’s cards saved in boxes of old sentimental stuff. Dad carried on this tradition of card-giving all the way up to the year he passed away.

What if everyone decided to make Valentine’s Day less about romance, and more about love?

Try this…

When I say the word love, who are the people who come to mind? Family members, of course. But what about your daughter’s 3rd grade teacher? Your hairdresser? Your dermatologist whose early diagnosis of that weird brown spot may have saved your life? The young guy who makes your vanilla latte every morning at Starbucks? What if these are the people you show some Valentine’s Day love to?

Who could be on your card-giving list this year?

My spouse is on the top of my list. So is my son, my sister, and my mom. I also take time to think about people over the past year who’ve lost a spouse (through death or divorce, since both can be difficult to deal with on Valentine’s Day) and I send cards to them, too. I acknowledge their strength and share a little love.

When BB and I sit down this Saturday to make our cards together, I will be thinking of many of you. (Some of you may even be the recipient of one of our little homemade creations.)

This was us in February 2023 finishing up 26 cards… each!

To me, Valentine’s Day is less about overpriced red roses and more about love.

(Don’t get me wrong, I do still love a box of chocolates— preferably with two layers of choices, and the kind that includes a menu describing what each little confection contains.)

Please take a moment to think of the people you love— as well as people who could use some love— and let’s make February 14th about those folks.

What’s love got to do with Valentine’s Day?


You’ve got one week to make someone’s Valentine’s Day special this year. 💗

This Month’s Resources & Cool Ideas

The Mother of the American Valentine

Did you ever wonder where the tradition of sending cards on Valentine’s Day came from? I did, and that’s where I learned about Esther Howland. Her story is fascinating! She was an entrepreneur with a vision for bringing something special to America— and what a success she turned out to be. You can read about her here.

Valentine’s Day Facts that May Surprise You

There are many interesting stories and fun facts associated with Valentine’s Day. Did you know the Hallmark card company was created by an 18-year-old? Or that Cadbury gets credit for making the first Valentine’s chocolates? And I’ll bet you didn’t know those chalky conversation hearts from Necco have a shelf life of five years! Read about 17 Fun Valentine Facts here.

Ready to Get Your Craft On?

Did BB’s homemade Valentine cards in the picture above give you some inspiration? Maybe you’re ready to get craft on and make your own cards this year? Here are 52 DIY ideas to get your creative juices flowing!

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